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Diff for "ManualUpdates"

Differences between revisions 3 and 5 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-03-13 19:34:37
Size: 799
Comment: n goes before s ;)
Revision 5 as of 2009-04-24 02:16:36
Size: 1458
Editor: OrcanOgetbil
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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There are some packages, which should not ever leave the testing repositories for one reason or another. For easy tracking of such packages the following list was created. If you do not want your package to be automatically pushed to stable repositories, please add it to the following list in the format:
||'''Name'''||'''Branches'''||'''Reason not to push'''||'''Maintainer'''||
||foo||F-10 F-9||known to be broken, just testing things||baz||
Sometimes packages need to stay in the testing repos and not get moved to the stable repo for one reason or another. These page lists those packages for tracking purposes.

/!\ Note: The testing repo is meant for testing packages that are supposed to get moved to the stable repos soon. Adding to many packages to the testing repos that are supposed to stay there forever or for more than just a few weeks would render testing repo useless. So it should be a rare exception that packages need to stay in testing, so please give good reasons why the package should stay and not get removed completely.

Also note that no kmod packages or packages that depend on kmod packages can stay in testing, as that would complicate rebuilding kmods for new Fedora kernel a lot.

##||'''Name'''||'''Branches'''||'''Reason not to push'''||'''Maintainer'''||
##||foo||F-10 F-9||known to be broken, just testing things||baz||
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||rt2860<<BR>>rt2860-kmod||F-10 F-9||It has been reported that the update ( does not work on some<<BR>>systems (e.g. see bug# 568). Upstream is informed about the issue.||oget||

Sometimes packages need to stay in the testing repos and not get moved to the stable repo for one reason or another. These page lists those packages for tracking purposes.

/!\ Note: The testing repo is meant for testing packages that are supposed to get moved to the stable repos soon. Adding to many packages to the testing repos that are supposed to stay there forever or for more than just a few weeks would render testing repo useless. So it should be a rare exception that packages need to stay in testing, so please give good reasons why the package should stay and not get removed completely.

Also note that no kmod packages or packages that depend on kmod packages can stay in testing, as that would complicate rebuilding kmods for new Fedora kernel a lot.

The actual list follows, please try to keep the packages sorted alphabetically.



Reason not to push



F-10 F-9

there are problems when nailer is installed alongside totem



F-10 F-9

It has been reported that the update ( does not work on some
systems (e.g. see bug# 568). Upstream is informed about the issue.



F-10 F-9

most packages are testing releases, which might not work properly


ManualUpdates (last edited 2023-11-14 09:37:58 by anonymous)