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Diff for "Wishlist"

Differences between revisions 16 and 63 (spanning 47 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2007-11-13 21:50:26
Size: 6133
Comment: Sorted list. Updated AdobeReader entry.
Revision 63 as of 2008-09-30 13:36:20
Size: 8804
Editor: anyremote
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Use this page to post a request for a package that you would like to see in the RPM Fusion repository. If a package can be included in Fedora, please submit the request to the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/WishList|Fedora Wishlist]] or to the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Games#head-90aaf9bf465a8c09c75f2933edceb123d67066ba|Fedora Games SIG Wishlist]].  Use this page to post a request for a package that you would like to see in the RPM Fusion repository. If a package can be included in Fedora, please submit the request to the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/WishList|Fedora Wishlist]] or to the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Games/WishList|Fedora Games SIG Wishlist]].
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There is no guarantee that the package will be built, but it serves as a basis for maintainers looking for ideas on what to package next. Alternatively, please consider joining RPM Fusion and maintaining the package yourself.  /!\ '''If you cannot say why a package cannot go in Fedora probably you shouldn't submit your request here but in one of the aforementioned wishlists.'''

There is no guarantee that the package will be built, but it serves as a basis for maintainers looking for ideas on what to package next. Alternatively, please consider joining RPM Fusion and maintaining the package yourself.
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  Grounds for inclusion: why this package is not eligible as a regular Fedora package   Why not in Fedora: Explanation why this package is not eligible as a regular package in the Fedora repositories
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Place your current requests here, in alphabetical order. Place your current requests here, '''''in alphabetical order'''''.
Line 22: Line 24:
  Request: asterisk (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: open-source PBX
  URL: http://www.asterisk.org/
  Grounds for inclusion: requires zaptel kernel modules for key functionality
  Notes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=178922
  Request: anyremote-j2me-client
  Summary: J2ME client for anyRemote (bluetooth remote control for PC)
  URL: http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: anyremote-j2me-client uses Sun WTK (which is free, but not open-source) for build.
Line 28: Line 29:
  Request: autopano-sift
  Summary: SIFT Feature Detection implementation
  URL: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
  Grounds for inclusion: The SIFT algorithm is restricted by patents in the United States
  Notes: Requires mono. A fedora package is available at Bruno Postle's repository: http://bugbear.blackfish.org.uk/~bruno/apt/fedora/linux/5/i386/SRPMS.panorama/
  Request: CDemu
  Summary: a kernel module simulate a CD drive + CD from cue/bin files
  URL: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).
Line 37: Line 37:
  Grounds for inclusion: Requires a commercial or shareware version of either DOOM, Ultimate DOOM or DOOM2   Why not in Fedora: Requires a commercial or shareware version of either DOOM, Ultimate DOOM or DOOM2
Line 42: Line 42:
  Grounds for inclusion: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora   Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
Line 44: Line 44:
  Request: ManDVD
  Summary: KDE based DVD creation program.
  URL: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=38347
  Grounds for inclusion:

  Request: MythTV (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: PVR supporting both V4L capture cards and DVB/ATSC cards
  URL: http://www.mythtv.org
  Grounds for inclusion: Depends on libraries such as lame and libdvdcss
  Request: moonlight
  Summary: Free implementation of Microsoft' Silverlight
  URL: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight
  Why not in Fedora: On the forbidden list due to patent concerns
  Notes: Already packaged for openSUSE' packman repo, package might be useful as a template - http://packman.links2linux.org/package/libmoon
Line 57: Line 53:
  Grounds for inclusion: Requires Abandonware data files   Why not in Fedora: Requires Abandonware data files
Line 63: Line 59:
  Grounds for inclusion: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora   Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: pcsx-df (Debian fork) review has been dropped at Dribble (http://dribble.org.uk/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=130)

  Request: sdlhazemd
  Summary: HazeMD is a Megadrive/Genesis emulator based on the MAME code
  URL: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=163
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: sidplay2 (review submitted at Dribble: BZ #122, BZ #123)
  Summary: A cycle-exact version of sidplay (which is in Extras) also utilizing C64 ROMs
  URL: http://sidplay2.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted Fedora
  Notes: Needs libsidplay2 to be packaged as it's not available in upstream repos

  Request: snack
  Summary: The Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python. Using Snack you can create powerful multi-platform audio applications with just a few lines of code.
  URL: http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/
  Why not in Fedora: Has mp3 stuff in it
  Notes: This library will allow amsn to send/receive audio clips

  Request: SpcaGui
  Summary: A nice VideoGrabber vor Spca5xx-devices.
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html
  Why not in Fedora: It's a nice, small Gui for the Spca5xx-driver which is already in livna.

  Request: spcaview & Spcaserv & Spcacat
  Summary: A set of tools for the spca5xx module
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/sview.html
  Why not in Fedora: The driver (spca) is already included (in livna) but for good use, this tools are required.

  Request: Xe
  Summary: A multi system emulator emulates many console and handheld video game systems. Xe is an original emulator written from scratch.
  URL: http://www.xe-emulator.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: zaptel-kmod (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: zaptel kernel module for telephony cards
  URL: http://www.asterisk.org/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).
  Notes: Asterisk (review RH #178922) and Zaptel tools (review RH #177584) are in Fedora.

'''Maintainers:''' If you decide to work on a package requested here, please label it as "in progress" for example - Request: foo (in progress). Once the package has been published, remove it from this list. Thanks.

== Requests that should be moved to Fedora ==

The following requests should probably be moved to the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/WishList|Fedora Wishlist]]. Most of them do not have specified why they cannot go in Fedora.

  Request: gnome-do 0.5
  Summary: is an intelligent launcher tool that makes performing common tasks on your computer simple and efficient.
  URL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeDo
  Why not in Fedora: Requires an updated gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp and gnome-desktop-sharp.
  [It is not RPM Fusion policy to update Fedora packages]

  Request: libtorrent 0.13
  Summary: LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and good code. The library differentiates itself from other implementations by transfering directly from file pages to the network stack. On high-bandwidth connections it is able to seed at 3 times the speed of the official client.
  URL: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php
  Why not in Fedora: fedora does not supply 0.13,,only 0.11.8
  [Not true: libtorrent you request is not the same libtorrent that already is in Fedora]
  Notes: Package is needed to compile qbittorrent

  Request: ManDVD
  Summary: KDE based DVD creation program.
  URL: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=38347
  Why not in Fedora:

  Request: psad
  Summary: The Port Scan Attack Detector (psad)
  URL: http://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/
  Why not in Fedora:
Line 68: Line 134:
  Grounds for inclusion:   Why not in Fedora:

  Request: qbittorrent
  Summary: qBittorrent can now be considered as a good alternative to other bittorrent clients. It provides a lot of features such as:
  URL: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php
  Why not in Fedora: no idea,, this is an awsome good looking p2p torrent client.
  Notes: libtorrent 0.13 is required, this can be found on: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php
Line 73: Line 145:
  Grounds for inclusion:   Why not in Fedora:
Line 76: Line 148:
  Request: sdlhazemd
  Summary: HazeMD is a Megadrive/Genesis emulator based on the MAME code
  URL: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=163
  Grounds for inclusion: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Request: sidplay2
  Summary: A cycle-exact version of sidplay (which is in Extras) also utilizing C64 ROMs
  URL: http://sidplay2.sourceforge.net/
  Grounds for inclusion: Emulators are not permitted Fedora
  Notes: Needs libsidplay2 to be packaged as it's not available in upstream repos
  Request: SnortSam
  Summary: SnortSam is a plugin for Snort. Plugin allows for automated blocking of IP addresses on firewalls
  URL: http://www.snortsam.net/
  Why not in Fedora:
Line 87: Line 153:
  Request: SMPlayer
  Summary: A frontend for MPlayer written in Qt.
  URL: http://smplayer.sourceforge.net
  Grounds for inclusion:
  Notes: SMPlayer has optional KDE integration, which enables the use of KDE's file dialogs. It written with Qt 3, although can optionally be compiled with Qt 4
  Request: TorK
  Summary: Anonymity manager for the KDE Desktop on Linux and Unix systems.
  URL: http://www.anonymityanywhere.com/tork/
  Why not in Fedora:
Line 93: Line 158:
  Request: SpcaGui
  Summary: A nice VideoGrabber vor Spca5xx-devices.
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html
  Grounds for inclusion: It's a nice, small Gui for the Spca5xx-driver which is already in livna.

  Request: spcaview & Spcaserv & Spcacat
  Summary: A set of tools for the spca5xx module
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/sview.html
  Grounds for inclusion: The driver (spca) is already included (in livna) but for good use, this tools are required.

  Request: TA Spring
  Summary: 3D RTS game based on Total Annihilation
  URL: http://spring.clan-sy.com/
  Grounds for inclusion:

  Request: Xe
  Summary: A multi system emulator emulates many console and handheld video game systems. Xe is an original emulator written from scratch.
  URL: http://www.xe-emulator.com/
  Grounds for inclusion: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: zaptel (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: zaptel kernel module and utils for telephony cards
  URL: http://www.asterisk.org/
  Grounds for inclusion: Fedora has added the zaptel utils but they might remove now that they know that zaptel kmod is not going to be allowed.
  Request: waste
  Summary: WASTE is a software product and protocol that enables secure distributed communication for small (on the order of 10-50 nodes) trusted groups of users.
  URL: http://waste.sf.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Perhaps the most secure P2P connection and Protocol, presently under development
Line 118: Line 163:

'''Maintainers:''' If you decide to work on a package requested here, please label it as "in progress" for example - Request: foo (in progress). Once the package has been published, remove it from this list. Thanks.
Line 127: Line 170:
  Grounds for exclusion: It is not re-distributable. See http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html   Why not in RPM Fusion: It is not re-distributable. See http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html
  Notes: Adobe provides its own Yum repository for Adobe Reader and Flash - see http://blogs.adobe.com/acroread/2008/02/adobe_reader_now_available_via.html

RPM Requests

Use this page to post a request for a package that you would like to see in the RPM Fusion repository. If a package can be included in Fedora, please submit the request to the Fedora Wishlist or to the Fedora Games SIG Wishlist.

/!\ If you cannot say why a package cannot go in Fedora probably you shouldn't submit your request here but in one of the aforementioned wishlists.

There is no guarantee that the package will be built, but it serves as a basis for maintainers looking for ideas on what to package next. Alternatively, please consider joining RPM Fusion and maintaining the package yourself.

Please edit this page to add a new request ensuring the layout is maintained. For example:

  Request: foo
  Summary: A program that does all sorts of foo
  URL: http://www.example.com
  Why not in Fedora: Explanation why this package is not eligible as a regular package in the Fedora repositories
  Notes: Optional notes section which may be useful for potential packagers

Requests will be removed where an RPM already exists in Fedora or RPM Fusion itself.

Current Requests

Place your current requests here, in alphabetical order.

  Request: anyremote-j2me-client
  Summary: J2ME client for anyRemote (bluetooth remote control for PC)
  URL: http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: anyremote-j2me-client uses Sun WTK (which is free, but not open-source) for build.

  Request: CDemu
  Summary: a kernel module simulate a CD drive + CD from cue/bin files
  URL: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).

  Request: Doom Legacy 2.0
  Summary: SDL Open GL Doom Source port (WIP refer to the legacy forum or svn directory)
  URL: http://legacy.newdoom.com
  Why not in Fedora: Requires a commercial or shareware version of either DOOM, Ultimate DOOM or DOOM2

  Request: generator
  Summary: An open-source Sega Genesis / Megadrive emulator
  URL: http://www.ghostwhitecrab.com/generator/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: moonlight
  Summary: Free implementation of Microsoft' Silverlight
  URL: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight
  Why not in Fedora: On the forbidden list due to patent concerns
  Notes: Already packaged for openSUSE' packman repo, package might be useful as a template - http://packman.links2linux.org/package/libmoon 

  Request: OpenTTD
  Summary: OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe"
  URL: http://www.openttd.org
  Why not in Fedora: Requires Abandonware data files
  Notes: A fedora package is available at Hany's repository: http://hany.sk/~hany/_data/SRPM/doors-f7/

  Request: PCSX
  Summary: An open-source Sony PlayStation emulator
  URL: http://www.pcsx.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: pcsx-df (Debian fork) review has been dropped at Dribble (http://dribble.org.uk/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=130)

  Request: sdlhazemd
  Summary: HazeMD is a Megadrive/Genesis emulator based on the MAME code
  URL: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=163
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: sidplay2 (review submitted at Dribble: BZ #122, BZ #123)
  Summary: A cycle-exact version of sidplay (which is in Extras) also utilizing C64 ROMs
  URL: http://sidplay2.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted Fedora
  Notes: Needs libsidplay2 to be packaged as it's not available in upstream repos

  Request: snack
  Summary: The Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python. Using Snack you can create powerful  multi-platform audio applications with just a few lines of code.
  URL: http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/
  Why not in Fedora: Has mp3 stuff in it
  Notes: This library will allow amsn to send/receive audio clips

  Request: SpcaGui
  Summary: A nice VideoGrabber vor Spca5xx-devices.
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html
  Why not in Fedora: It's a nice, small Gui for the Spca5xx-driver which is already in livna.

  Request: spcaview & Spcaserv & Spcacat
  Summary: A set of tools for the spca5xx module
  URL: http://mxhaard.free.fr/sview.html
  Why not in Fedora: The driver (spca) is already included (in livna) but for good use, this tools are required.

  Request: Xe
  Summary: A multi system emulator emulates many console and handheld video game systems. Xe is an original emulator written from scratch.
  URL: http://www.xe-emulator.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: zaptel-kmod (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: zaptel kernel module for telephony cards
  URL: http://www.asterisk.org/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).
  Notes: Asterisk (review RH #178922) and Zaptel tools (review RH #177584) are in Fedora.

Maintainers: If you decide to work on a package requested here, please label it as "in progress" for example - Request: foo (in progress). Once the package has been published, remove it from this list. Thanks.

Requests that should be moved to Fedora

The following requests should probably be moved to the Fedora Wishlist. Most of them do not have specified why they cannot go in Fedora.

  Request: gnome-do 0.5
  Summary: is an intelligent launcher tool that makes performing common tasks on your computer simple and efficient.
  URL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnomeDo
  Why not in Fedora: Requires an updated gtk-sharp2, gnome-sharp and gnome-desktop-sharp. 
  [It is not RPM Fusion policy to update Fedora packages]

  Request: libtorrent 0.13
  Summary: LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix, with a focus on high performance and good code. The library differentiates itself from other implementations by transfering directly from file pages to the network stack. On high-bandwidth connections it is able to seed at 3 times the speed of the official client. 
  URL: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php
  Why not in Fedora: fedora does not supply 0.13,,only 0.11.8 
  [Not true: libtorrent you request is not the same libtorrent that already is in Fedora]
  Notes: Package is needed to compile qbittorrent

  Request: ManDVD
  Summary: KDE based DVD creation program.
  URL: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=38347
  Why not in Fedora:

  Request: psad
  Summary: The Port Scan Attack Detector (psad)
  URL: http://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/
  Why not in Fedora:

  Request: pyscrabble
  Summary: An online multiplayer clone of the game Scrabble
  URL: http://pyscrabble.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora:

  Request: qbittorrent
  Summary: qBittorrent can now be considered as a good alternative to other bittorrent clients. It provides a lot of features such as:
  URL: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php
  Why not in Fedora: no idea,, this is an awsome good looking p2p torrent client.
  Notes: libtorrent 0.13 is required, this can be found on: http://qbittorrent.sourceforge.net/download.php

  Request: Q DVD Author
  Summary: A QT frontend for DVD authoring
  URL: http://qdvdauthor.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora:
  Notes: Seems far too unstable and quirky as yet, to be worth building

  Request: SnortSam
  Summary: SnortSam is a plugin for Snort. Plugin allows for automated blocking of IP addresses on firewalls
  URL: http://www.snortsam.net/
  Why not in Fedora:

  Request: TorK
  Summary: Anonymity manager for the KDE Desktop on Linux and Unix systems.
  URL: http://www.anonymityanywhere.com/tork/
  Why not in Fedora: 

  Request: waste
  Summary: WASTE is a software product and protocol that enables secure distributed communication for small (on the order of 10-50 nodes) trusted groups of users.
  URL: http://waste.sf.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Perhaps the most secure P2P connection and Protocol, presently under development

Software we won't package

  Request: AdobeReader
  Summary: An application that can view, navigate and print PDF documents
  URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_allversions.html
  Why not in RPM Fusion: It is not re-distributable. See http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html
  Notes: Adobe provides its own Yum repository for Adobe Reader and Flash - see http://blogs.adobe.com/acroread/2008/02/adobe_reader_now_available_via.html

Wishlist (last edited 2023-11-14 09:37:58 by anonymous)