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Diff for "Wishlist"

Differences between revisions 126 and 137 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 126 as of 2009-01-09 21:17:21
Size: 12640
Editor: RossLevine
Revision 137 as of 2009-02-06 09:30:14
Size: 15948
Editor: SandroMathys
Comment: Added Opera
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 40: Line 40:
  Request: cairo (with patches to support cleartype filtering)
  Summary: A vector graphics library
  URL: http://cairographics.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html
Line 58: Line 64:
  Request: dvd::rip
  Summary: dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program which provides an easy to use but feature-rich GUI to control almost all aspects of the ripping and transcoding process.
  URL: http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/
  Why not in Fedora: dvd::rip requires codecs, tools... for dvd reading/ripping that is not permitted by Fedora license.
  Notes: Review Request at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126
  Request: freetype (with patches to support subpixel rendering and bytecode interpreter)
  Summary: A free and portable font rendering engine
  URL: http://www.freetype.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering and bytecode interpreter
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html

  Request: fontconfig (with updated configuration to make use of available cleartype rendering and bytecode interpreter features)
  Summary: Font configuration and customization library
  URL: http://fontconfig.org
  Why not in Fedora: Because the default packages do not provide these features.
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html
Line 96: Line 109:
  Request: libXft (with cleartype filtering patches)
  Summary: X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
  URL: http://www.x.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html
Line 117: Line 136:
  Notes: This one was at Dribble repo but it is not in RPM Fusion   Notes: This one was at Dribble but it is not in RPM Fusion. Mupen64 seems to work only on i386 and there are no updates on the project home page in the last 3 years. There is an active fork, called mupen64plus (see below).
Line 123: Line 142:
  Notes: Uses SDL
  Notes: Review Request at http://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=303
Line 142: Line 160:
  Notes: A fedora package is available at Hany's repository: http://hany.sk/~hany/_data/SRPM/doors-f9/   Notes: Review Request at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309

  Request: Opera
  Summary: A popular web browser and Internet suite.
  URL: http://www.opera.com/
  Why not in Fedora: nonfree
  Notes: Opera distributes both, tarball archives and rpms for Fedora and EPEL on their download pages (e.g. http://www.opera.com/browser/download/?os=linux-i386&ver=9.63&local=y for i386). Also, they welcome if anyone wants to mirror their packages (http://www.opera.com/download/mirrors/), but it doesn't say anything about if they allow repackaging and such.

Package Requests

Use this page to post a request for a packages that can't go to Fedora but would be nice to have in the RPM Fusion repository.

/!\ Important Note: Package request that don't give a good reason why the package cannot go to Fedora will get removed from this list immediately without further notice; if you are unsure if a package is suitable for Fedora then submit it to Fedora Wishlist; alternatively ask Fedora or RPM Fusion contributors for advice!

Note, there is no guarantee that package will be built, but it serves as a basis for maintainers looking for ideas on what to package next. The best way to get a package into RPM Fusion quickly is to join RPM Fusion and maintaining the package yourself.

Please edit this page to add a new request ensuring the layout is maintained. For example:

  Request: foo
  Summary: A program that does all sorts of foo
  URL: http://www.example.com
  Why not in Fedora: Explanation why this package is not eligible as a regular package in the Fedora repositories; packages request without a proper explanation will get removed from this list immediately!
  Notes: Optional notes section which may be useful for potential packagers

Requests will be removed where an RPM already exists in Fedora or RPM Fusion itself.

Current Requests

Place your current requests here, in alphabetical order.

  Request: acx100/acx111
  Summary: Driver for Texas Instruments wireless device based
  URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/acx100/
  Why not in Fedora: There are legal questions raised about the origin of that driver.

  Request: anyremote-j2me-client
  Summary: J2ME client for anyRemote (bluetooth remote control for PC)
  URL: http://anyremote.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: anyremote-j2me-client uses Sun WTK (which is free, but not open-source) for build.
  Notes: Review Request at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=167

  Request: CDemu
  Summary: a kernel module simulate a CD drive + CD from cue/bin files
  URL: http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).

  Request: cairo (with patches to support cleartype filtering)
  Summary: A vector graphics library
  URL: http://cairographics.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html

  Request: cinelerra
  Summary: One of the best video edition tools around
  URL: http://cinelerra.org/
  Why not in Fedora: Well, this package uses a lot of codecs available in livna/rpmfusion, so, that's why.
  Notes: Review Request at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118

  Request: dahdi-linux
  Summary: Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAHDI) linux kernel modules, firmware and documentation
  Why not in Fedora: While Fedora does package dahdi-tools, dahdi-linux contains kernel modules (and firmware)
  that are not part of the main kernel tree, and are not included in Fedora. Note that there is no need to package
  dahdi-tools as this would be redundant. A spec file that I use currently is here:

  Request: Doom Legacy 2.0
  Summary: SDL Open GL Doom Source port (WIP refer to the legacy forum or svn directory)
  URL: http://legacy.newdoom.com
  Why not in Fedora: Requires a commercial or shareware version of either DOOM, Ultimate DOOM or DOOM2

  Request: freetype (with patches to support subpixel rendering and bytecode interpreter)
  Summary: A free and portable font rendering engine
  URL: http://www.freetype.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering and bytecode interpreter
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html

  Request: fontconfig (with updated configuration to make use of available cleartype rendering and bytecode interpreter features)
  Summary: Font configuration and customization library
  URL: http://fontconfig.org
  Why not in Fedora: Because the default packages do not provide these features.
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html

  Request: generator
  Summary: An open-source Sega Genesis / Megadrive emulator
  URL: http://www.ghostwhitecrab.com/generator/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: GnomeBoyAdvance
  Summary: Gnomeboyadvance is a GNOME frontend for the Visual Boy Advance emulator
  URL: http://developer.berlios.de/projects/gnomeboyadvance/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: gstreamer-pitfdll
  Summary: GStreamer plugin that allows the use of binary files, such as Quicktime QTX or Directshow/DMO DLL files.
  URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pitfdll/
  Why not in Fedora: Probably because of codecs

  Request: HandBrake
  Summary: An open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4 converter, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.
  URL: http://handbrake.fr/
  Why not in Fedora: Contains implementations of encoders and decoders for patented algorithms (e.g. MP3).
  Notes: This comes in both a CLI and GUI version, which would both be useful.  Also, it requires libdvdcss to read DVDs directly.

  Request: icc-profiles
  Summary: Icc color profiles from Adobe to use with scribus, gimp, cinepaint.
  URL: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/iccprofiles_linux.html
  Why not in Fedora: Non-free packages not allowed in Fedora.

  Request: Kdenlive
  Summary: A video editing program
  URL: http://www.kdenlive.org/
  Why not in Fedora: Probably because of codecs
  Notes: Requires mlt and mlt++ which are currently not in fedora either.  See http://www.kdenlive.org/compile for more info.

  Request: libXft (with cleartype filtering patches)
  Summary: X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
  URL: http://www.x.org
  Why not in Fedora: Patent issues regarding cleartype filtering
  Notes: this package should be part of a logical group of other patched packages supporting better subpixel rendering in Fedora, to bring up the font rendering to the level of Ubuntu, Windows XP/Vista and MacOS/X. These packages are: cairo, freetype, fontconfig, libXft (and maybe pixman, this should be checked). Source packages already exist with patches supporting these features for all the above packages at: ftp://brebs.me.uk/fedora/10/. Further info: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-186789.html

  Request: LiVES
  Summary: LiVES is a Free, Open Source video editor *and* a VJ tool, using less resources than cinelerra.
  URL: http://lives.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Codecs used, as usual...
  Notes: rpms available from sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64341&package_id=198331

  Request: ManDVD
  Summary: KDE based DVD creation program.
  URL: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/ManDVD?content=83906
  Why not in Fedora: It depends on packages already in RPM Fusion (FFmpeg, mplayer, transcode, etc)

  Request: moonlight
  Summary: Free implementation of Microsoft' Silverlight
  URL: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight
  Why not in Fedora: On the forbidden list due to patent concerns
  Notes: Already packaged for openSUSE' packman repo, package might be useful as a template - http://packman.links2linux.org/package/libmoon 

  Request: Mupen64
  Summary: Nintendo 64 emulator
  URL: http://mupen64.emulation64.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: This one was at Dribble but it is not in RPM Fusion. Mupen64 seems to work only on i386 and there are no updates on the project home page in the last 3 years. There is an active fork, called mupen64plus (see below).

  Request: Mupen64Plus
  Summary: Nintendo 64 emulator
  URL: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: Review Request at http://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=303

  Request: netperf
  Summary: Network performance/benchmarking with the ability to benchmark many different protocols
  URL: http://www.netperf.org/netperf/NetperfPage.html
  Why not in Fedora: Does not appear to be a compatible license, COPYING file states it's owned by HP, but the code appears to be FOSS.
  Notes: No special requirements or dependencies that I know of.

  Request: Open Movie Editor
  Summary: Open Movie Editor is a free and open source video editing program, designed for basic movie making capabilities. It aims do be powerful enough for the amateur movie artist, yet easy to use.
  URL: http://www.openmovieeditor.org/
  Why not in Fedora: The codecs it uses are not compatible with fedora's license.
  Notes: rpm already available in opensuse through the packman repos: http://packman.links2linux.de/package/OpenMovieEditor

  Request: OpenTTD
  Summary: OpenTTD is a clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe"
  URL: http://www.openttd.org
  Why not in Fedora: Requires Abandonware data files
  Notes: Review Request at https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309

  Request: Opera
  Summary: A popular web browser and Internet suite.
  URL: http://www.opera.com/
  Why not in Fedora: nonfree
  Notes: Opera distributes both, tarball archives and rpms for Fedora and EPEL on their download pages (e.g. http://www.opera.com/browser/download/?os=linux-i386&ver=9.63&local=y for i386). Also, they welcome if anyone wants to mirror their packages (http://www.opera.com/download/mirrors/), but it doesn't say anything about if they allow repackaging and such.

  Request: PCSX
  Summary: An open-source Sony PlayStation emulator
  URL: http://www.pcsx.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: pcsx-df (Debian fork) review has been dropped at Dribble (http://dribble.org.uk/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=130)

  Request: sdlhazemd
  Summary: HazeMD is a Megadrive/Genesis emulator based on the MAME code
  URL: http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=163
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: sidplay2 (review submitted at Dribble: BZ #122, BZ #123)
  Summary: A cycle-exact version of sidplay (which is in Extras) also utilizing C64 ROMs
  URL: http://sidplay2.sourceforge.net/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted Fedora
  Notes: Needs libsidplay2 to be packaged as it's not available in upstream repos

  Request: snack
  Summary: The Snack Sound Toolkit is designed to be used with a scripting language such as Tcl/Tk or Python. Using Snack you can create powerful  multi-platform audio applications with just a few lines of code.
  URL: http://www.speech.kth.se/snack/
  Why not in Fedora: Has mp3 stuff in it
  Notes: This library will allow amsn to send/receive audio clips

  Request: StepMania 3.9
  Summary: Game similar to Dance Dance Revolution where user can add/create steps and songs
  URL: http://www.stepmania.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Uses mp3 files for music

  Request: Veejay
  Summary: visual instrument and realtime video sampler
  URL: http://www.veejayhq.net/
  Why not in Fedora: The engine is based upon ffmpeg and the mjpegtools

  Request: vdr-softdevice (ShmClient)
  Summary: Plugin for vdr which enables output via X11-Xv. With it you can use ShmClient to get vdr output with budget-only hardware (without a hardware MPEG-decoder).
  URL: http://softdevice.berlios.de/
  Why not in Fedora: It uses ffpmeg to decode the MPEG-stream.

  Request: VirtualBox
  Summary: An x86 virtualization software package distributed under the GPL
  URL: http://www.virtualbox.org
  Why not in Fedora: According to http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/TillMaas/Virtualbox Fedora won't accept it because it has a kernel module

  Request: Visual Boy Advance
  Summary: A Gamboy Advance Emulator
  URL: http://vba.ngemu.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora
  Notes: Review Request: https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=177

  Request: Xe
  Summary: A multi system emulator emulates many console and handheld video game systems. Xe is an original emulator written from scratch.
  URL: http://www.xe-emulator.com/
  Why not in Fedora: Emulators are not permitted in Fedora

  Request: xsnow
  Summary: Xsnow is the X-windows application that will let it snow on the root, in between and on windows. Santa and his reindeer will complete your festive-season feeling.
  URL: http://dropmix.xs4all.nl/rick/Xsnow/
  Why not in Fedora: Unclear license, probably shareware-like. Freely distributable, but not Free Software
  Notes: A specfile for fedora available at http://users.linpro.no/ingvar/xsnow.spec

  Request: zaptel-kmod (In progress - Seeking sponsor to add WillTatam as a contributor)
  Summary: zaptel kernel module for telephony cards
  URL: http://www.asterisk.org/
  Why not in Fedora: Fedora won't ship the kernel modules (RH #177583).
  Notes: Asterisk (review RH #178922) and Zaptel tools (review RH #177584) are in Fedora.

Maintainers: If you decide to work on a package requested here, please label it as "in progress" for example - Request: foo (in progress). Once the package has been published, remove it from this list. Thanks.

Software we won't package

  Request: AdobeReader
  Summary: An application that can view, navigate and print PDF documents
  Notes: Adobe provides its own Yum repository for Adobe Reader and Flash - see http://blogs.adobe.com/acroread/2008/02/adobe_reader_now_available_via.html
  URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2_allversions.html
  Why not in RPM Fusion: It is not re-distributable. See http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html

  Request: libdvdcss
  Summary: A library for accessing and unscrambling DVDs encrypted with the Content Scramble System (CSS)
  URL: http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html
  Why not in RPM Fusion: The short story is: It was agreed on not to ship it due to various reasons around the fact that libdvdcss is a bit more complicated (or dangerous) than all the other software RPM Fusion offeres have. The long story and all the arguments for and against shipping it can be found in the mailing lists archives.

 Livna and Freshrpms will provide libdvdcss for the forseeable future. 

Wishlist (last edited 2023-11-14 09:37:58 by anonymous)