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<title>Fir Vest Moncler Sleeveless Purple Bán Dubh - €122.98 : Cheap Moncler Asraon Online Store,</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Fir Vest Moncler Sleeveless Purple Bán Dubh Moncler Nua 2012 málaí láimhe Moncler Hataí Moncler & Scaifeanna Moncler Caps Moncler Ban Moncler Mens Kids Moncler Gairmiúla Moncler Asraon Online Store" /> <meta name="description" content="Cheap Moncler Asraon Online Store Fir Vest Moncler Sleeveless Purple Bán Dubh - Is é an branda na Moncler an-tóir now.Without amhras ar bith a thiocfaidh an branda níos mó agus níos forleithne araon maidir le dearadh agus leis an stíl. In árMoncler asraonstóráil féidir leat teacht ar go leor táirgí le praghsanna dochreidte.Vest Moncler Do Mensó Moncler Beidh asraon leis an praghas " /> <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" /> |
RPM Fusion provides software that the [[|Fedora Project]] or [[|Red Hat]] doesn't want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and current Red Hat Enterprise Linux or clones versions; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and !PackageKit. RPM Fusion is a merger of Dribble, [[|Freshrpms]], and [[|Livna]]; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples. == For users == * [[Configuration|Enable RPM Fusion on your system]] and [[keys|verifying RPM Fusion's signing keys]] * [[ReportingBugs|Reporting bugs]] ([[|Bugzilla]]) * [[FAQ]] * [[Wishlist]] * [[Howto|Howtos]] * Information about various [[Package|packages]] RPM Fusion distributes * [[Spins|RPM Fusion based spins]] * [[|Ask Fedora]] * [[|twitter @rpmfusion_team]] You can get support for RPM Fusion in IRC (#rpmfusion on freenode) or mailing lists ([[|rpmfusion-users]]). Several users are on [[|]] also. == For packagers == * [[Contributors|Information for Contributors]] * [[Packaging|Packaging]] * [[SteeringCommittee|Steering Committee]] * [[|Mailing Lists]] * [[|FAS]] * [[|openid]] * [[|pkgdb]] * [[|koji]] * [[|cgit]] * [[|primary yum repository]] * [[|backup yum repository]] * [[|mirrorlist]] == Browse available packages == The RPM Fusion repositories can be browsed directly to see what's in them. Indexes of each repository are made using [[|RepoView]]. ||<tablestyle="font-size: small">'''Distribution'''||<:>'''Version'''||<:>'''Repository'''||<:>'''Free'''||<:>'''Nonfree'''|| ||<|13> '''Fedora'''||<|2> rawhide||devel||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||<|3> 33 ||branched||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||<|4> 32 ||release||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||<|4> 31 ||release||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||<|9> '''EL''' ||<|3> 8 ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||<|3> 7 ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||<|3> 6 ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||<(> /!\ Note: The table only lists the packages for active releases -- packages for EOLed releases are still<<BR>> on the servers or in [[|]], but not referred here.<<BR>> /!\ Note: With Fedora 26 and later, aarch64, ppc64 and ppc64le [[Architectures|architectures]] are also available.|| |
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<link rel="canonical" href="án-dubh-p-309.html" /> | {{{#!wiki comment Branched: }}} {{{#!wiki comment Release: ||<|4> 32 ||release||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || |
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30 ||<|4> 30 ||release||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||updates-testing||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || ||tainted||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] ||<:>[[|source]] / [[|i386]] / [[|x86_64]] / [[|armhfp]] / [[|aarch64]] / [[|ppc64le]] || |
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In ár<strong>Moncler asraon</strong>stóráil féidir leat teacht ar go leor táirgí le praghsanna dochreidte.<strong>Vest Moncler Do Mens</strong>ó Moncler Beidh asraon leis an praghas is iomaíche do undisputed.About rogha is fearr<strong>Fir Vest Moncler Sleeveless Purple Bán Dubh</strong>Is é a thaispeáint ar cheann stíl clasaiceach i measc raon leathan de Vest Moncler Do Mens ar fáil ag ár Vest store.Moncler Do Mens i gcónaí do dhaoine a dath iontach agus só, rud a oireann an rogha is mó de na daoine. Faoi láthair, is maith leo a ghabháil leis an trendy faisin trí stíleanna gruaige, éadaí stylish, agus mar sin de. 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RPM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and current Red Hat Enterprise Linux or clones versions; you can use the RPM Fusion repositories with tools like yum and PackageKit.
RPM Fusion is a merger of Dribble, Freshrpms, and Livna; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples.
For users
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Information about various packages RPM Fusion distributes
You can get support for RPM Fusion in IRC (#rpmfusion on freenode) or mailing lists (rpmfusion-users). Several users are on also.
For packagers
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The RPM Fusion repositories can be browsed directly to see what's in them. Indexes of each repository are made using RepoView.
Note: The table only lists the packages for active releases -- packages for EOLed releases are still
on the servers or in, but not referred here.
Note: With Fedora 26 and later, aarch64, ppc64 and ppc64le architectures are also available.