##master-page:HomepageTemplate ## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ##language:en #format wiki #language en == Peter Gordon == Hi; I'm Peter Gordon. I'm a 21 year-old GNU/Linux and general Free Software advocate. You can contact me in many ways, as listed below. I maintain packages in RPM Fusion (listed below). === Contact Information === * '''Fedora Account''': pgordon * '''E-Mail''': <> * '''IRC''': codergeek42 on Freenode and OFTC * '''Jabber''': codergeek42@``jabber.org or codergeek42@``gmail.com * '''Forums''': [[http://fedoraforum.org/forum/member.php?userid=42893|codergeek42]] * '''VoIP''': sip:codergeek42@``ekiga.net * '''Languages''': English (en) and Spanish (es) For those who wish to communicate with me securely (which I highly encourage), my [[http://thecodergeek.com/peter.asc|GnuPG public key]] is available. It's fingerprint is: {{{DD68 A414 56BD 6368 D957 9666 4268 CB7A FFC1 9479}}} === Packages Maintained === <> I maintain the following RPM Fusion packages: * swfdec and swfdec-mozilla - Flash animation rendering library and its Gecko/Mozilla player plugin --- CategoryHomepage