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The RPM Fusion contributors on (plan to) mention some of the important changes on this page that might be of interest to RPM Fusion users and contributors. So to keep track of what's happening in RPM Fusion visit this page regularly; you can also create and account in this wiki and subscribe to this page to get a E-Mail notification every time a new news entry gets added!


09/11: release-packages for RPM Fusion's EL5 repositories available

You can enable RPM Fusion's repositories for EL5 with this easy command now:

/!\ Note: RPM Fusion for EL (RHEL/CentOS/ScientificLinux/...) is still in the testing phase and still lacks some packages we'd like to see in those repositories.

Further: The repository is meant to be used on top of EPEL (which itself is meant to be used on top of RHEL/CentOS/ScientificLinux/...). Right now some of the packages in the RPM Fusion EL repository require packages from EPEL-testing, hence you need to enable EPEL-testing as well until EPEL moves them to the proper repos.

09/11: RPM Fusion Announced

For more detail see AnnounceRepository