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About this Howto

This documentation is about using Raspberry Pi Foundation "downstream kernel" and components on a Fedora (or CentOS) userspace. As with Fedora, this process is compatible with Raspberry Pi 2 and later model (No original Raspberry Pi or Pi Zero support is planned). Unless using a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8Gio of RAM. It's recommended to use the 32bit version over the 64bit. For graphics usage, it's really recommended to have a Raspberry Pi 4 which default to the vc4/v3d driver.

It's possible to use a Fedora official image as a base, then later install additional repositories. Or use the dedicated images.

Using downstream kernel on Fedora

* For Fedora 32+ and CentOS 8:

sudo dnf copr enable dwrobel/kernel-rpi 
sudo dnf install kernel #you might need to mention the extact kernel to use
sudo dnf install kernel-rpi4 # for the raspberry-pi 4

Using RPM Fusion RPI Repositories on Fedora

* For Fedora 32 and later:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo=
sudo dnf install raspberrypi-vc-utils raspberrypi-vc-libs

Using dedicated RPI Images

* *

Known issue

Bug Report
