## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ## page was renamed from Howto/Matrix_tunneling ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #acl -All:write Default #format wiki #language en We can use matrix client to access to #rpmfusion on Libera.Chat - First to simplify the process register you nickname on Libera.Chat - After login https://chat.fedoraproject.org or other instance of matrix for example matrix.org ( https:://app.element.io/ ) - Choose start a new chat, write: @NickServ:libera.chat - At @NickServ:libera.chat write: IDENTIFY - Nickserver replies with "You are now identified for " - And finally join to a public room: #rpmfusion:libera.chat Register one user on libera.chat via matrix.org it is possible but confuse see more here https://fedoramagazine.org/access-freenode-using-matrix-clients/ Notes: - you have excellent (and ad free) mobile app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=im.vector.app&hl=en&gl=US and you will never miss a conversation again . - Native Matrix clients available in Fedora: nheko, neochat (at least) - I (sergiomb) built on copr element-desktop is the best matrix client IMO https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sergiomb/electrons/monitor/ {{{ dnf copr enable sergiomb/electrons dnf install element-desktop }}} - documentation from the source https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/End-user-FAQ ---- CategoryHowto