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Diff for "Configuration"

Differences between revisions 7 and 33 (spanning 26 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2008-11-05 20:26:46
Size: 2678
Revision 33 as of 2009-12-14 13:12:17
Size: 2480
Editor: aiyoulove
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Upgrading from Freshrpms or Livna == 香港六合 彩官方网站六合 彩公司网站>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 3: Line 3:
All users that installed Freshrpms (e.g. by installing the ''freshrpms-release'' package) or Livna (e.g. by installing the ''livna-release'' package) properly will get RPM Fusion free and nonfree repositories enabled automatically. 香港六合 彩VIP会员《特码刮刮卡》>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 5: Line 5:
== Installing Free and Non-Free Repositories == 白小姐今期免费公开一码中特100%准>>>>>http://www.840519.com
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Installation can be done using either using a web browser, or via the command line. 香港六合 彩今期开奖结果提前大爆光>>>>>http://www.840519.com
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=== Graphical Setup via firefox web browser and Package Kit === 香港六合 彩网站香港六合 彩开奖结果>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 11: Line 11:
To enable access via ''yum'' to the '''free''' repository:
 1. Open a web browser window
 1. Click [[http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm|rpmfusion-free-release]]
 1. If you are asked where to save the ''rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm'' choose the desktop and click save. When complete, view the download window, and double-click the downloaded ''rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm'' file
 1. Package Kit will ask ''Do you want to install this file ?''. Click OK to begin install.
 1. The install should go through various testing, and installing stages, and then complete.
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Line 18: Line 13:
To enable access via ''yum'' to the '''nonfree''' repository:
 1. Open a web browser window
 1. Click [[http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm|rpmfusion-nonfree-release]]
 1. If you are asked where to save the ''rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm'' choose the desktop and click save. When complete, view the download window, and double-click the downloaded ''rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm'' file
 1. Package Kit will ask ''Do you want to install this file ?''. Click OK to begin install.
 1. The install should go through various testing, and installing stages, and then complete.
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Line 25: Line 15:
=== Command Line Setup using rpm ===
To enable access via ''yum'' to the '''free''' repository, use the following command as root:
香港六合 彩公司,六合 彩公司官方网站>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 29: Line 17:
rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
香港六合 彩论坛提供《公开特码单双》>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 33: Line 19:
If you want to enable access to the '''nonfree''' repository as well, you also need to type this command as root: 香港六合 彩公司提供《期期必中 一肖》>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 35: Line 21:
rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
香港六合 彩公司香港六合 彩官方网站>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 39: Line 23:
== Rawhide == 请看香港六合 彩一码中特已连准18期>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 41: Line 25:
If you installed a Fedora Beta or you use Rawhide then use the following command to enable RPM Fusion free for rawhide: 香港六合 彩资料香港六合 彩特码资料>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 43: Line 27:
rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-rawhide.noarch.rpm
香港六合 彩官方网站六合 彩公司网站>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 47: Line 29:
And also this one if you want to use non-free too: 香港六合 彩VIP会员《特码刮刮卡》>>>>>http://www.840519.com
Line 49: Line 31:
rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-rawhide.noarch.rpm

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Configuration (last edited 2025-02-12 12:57:00 by NicolasChauvet)